Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 53 - Chiclayo - Loja (Equador)

Distance travelled (by bike): 7180

I wasn't going to cross the border today, not the plan, but as things fell into place i did. Leaving Chiclayo i met some bikers from Austria who were riding around the world with a group called Globebusters, They told me they were riding to Piura, staying there the night then into Equator the following day. Riding off my plan was to get to Sullana, stop and cross the border tomorrow. 
Crossing the desert de sechura was dull! 200 miles of sand, one road and hot, reaching Piura by 10 I decided to get to Sullana and stop for the day, would be there by 11am, it was only another 60 miles.
Arriving at Sullana i realised why the Globebusters group were staying in Piura, nowhere to stay in Sullana! A policeman thought there might be somewhere in the next town, so i drove on. No luck.
Eventually realising that the was only another 50 miles, and surely near the border there would be somewhere to stay i drove on, the scenery changed, mountains and colour appeared.  But alas again i was wrong, no places at the border!
The border i was the quickest i have been through so far, and the guards really helpful, thou informed me that camping was a bad idea and the nearest place to stay was Loja, approx 200km north. Wasn't happy, but what can you do, off i drove into equator determined to make it to Loja before nightfall. Driving up the mountain roads the weather quickly change (realise why i was originally driving along the coast) the rain started, followed by mist, then fog. Soaked i rolled into Loja, by this point in the injuries from yesterdays bus accident were really arching, glad to stop.

middle of the desert


more desert

paddy fields

just entering Equador

patriotic fence posts

before the rain

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