Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 60 - somewhere beyond Puerto Misahualli - Quito

Distance travelled (by bike): 7960

Thankfully the ferry was working, thou we had to wait for the operator to have his coffee break, but as everyone keeps telling me, we're working on South American time. turning off the dirt road onto the 'main' road i was immediately struck by the increase in traffic, when i pulled in for petrol i asked what was happening, i then found out that the next four days are public holidays, so everyone escapes the cities and retreats to the countryside. My plan was to stop in a small town on the way to Quito which is known for its hot springs. On arrival I found out that everyone escaping the town had the same idea and there was no room at the inn. As it started to rain it seemed the best plan was to head to Quito where everyone was escaping from. Off I drove trying to out run the rain, arriving in Quito as the sun started to set.

the rain clouds

driving into Quito

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